the vast right-knee conspiracy
I've noticed recently that my really cool jeans are all wearing out rapidly. Bummer. The strange thing, however, is that they're wearing out in the same place -- the right knee. Not the left knee.
The right knee.
So what I've done is sent all of my pants down to the lab for further analysis. It looks like I won't be going to work this week. Or anywhere else that requires pants...for that matter.
I got some strange looks down at the Post Office when I shipped my pants off this afternoon. You'd think no one had ever seen a man in his underwear before. This country really needs to loosen up -- and soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take..
The right knee.
So what I've done is sent all of my pants down to the lab for further analysis. It looks like I won't be going to work this week. Or anywhere else that requires pants...for that matter.
I got some strange looks down at the Post Office when I shipped my pants off this afternoon. You'd think no one had ever seen a man in his underwear before. This country really needs to loosen up -- and soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take..